Some of you may remember that I am going to school on Saturdays to try to become a pet therapy dog. That means that if I pass the test in a few weeks, I will get a certificate and can start going to visit people who are in the hospital and make them feel better.
Last Saturday was our second day of class. Here is what they made us do this time:
---Mama had to show the trainers that I know how to sit and stay and come when called. (I did very well.)
---I had to stay still when one of the trainer ladies came up to me and opened my mouth, checked my ears, picked up one of my feet, and brushed me. (I didn't particularly like this part, but I was on my best behavior.)
---They took me to another room where I sat on a big man's lap and told Mama to leave the room for three minutes. I had to show them that I was not scared to be away from Mama and that I wouldn't cry or try to chase after her. (This was kind of a weird exercise, but I passed.)
---For the last exercise, they brought out a metal cage looking thing that humans use when they need help walking. None of the dogs were supposed to bark at it, but I did. It looked scary. Mama hushed me and started walking around with the walker to show me it wasn't going to hurt us, so I calmed down.
All in all, Mama said I did really well. Whew! There is one more class next week, then the test is on April 26!!!!