Wednesday, January 23, 2008

I've Got a Girlfriend!

I met a really pretty Papillon the other night named Alice. (See, there's a picture of her, below.) Her long hair! That lovely tail! Wouldn't we make a cute couple? She was in my play group the other night. 

On Monday nights, Mama takes me to Biscuits & Bath in Greenwich Village to play with other dogs that are small like me. We run around and wrestle and have fun.

Usually, someone ends up taking a poo in the middle of the floor, and I like to sneak in a pee here and there.  

I've been going to Monday night play group for a couple of months, but never noticed Alice before. I heard her mommy say they live in Williamsburg. Alice's mommy is a painter. I wonder what my mommy does? Must remember to ask her...

Alice and I played around a little bit, but mostly I just stared at her. She pretended to ignore me, but I could tell she liked me. (I'm irresistible, according to Mama.) 

I hope I can play some more with Alice next Monday night! 

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