Sunday, February 3, 2008

Met An Obama Dog

I played at the small dog run at Washington Square Park today. There were the usual characters there: some Frenchies, a Maltese, a Bichon, Brussels Griffon, etc, etc. 

I met an interesting little guy named Pickles, a five months old black poodle, who had an Obama '08 sticker on his cast. (His daddy had stepped on him by accident and he broke his leg.) Pickles said he's going to vote for Obama. But I ask you, where does Barack stand on dog issues? Does he care about the canine contingent? Will Barack have my back? 

Mama says I have to take a bath tonight. I got dirty playing at the dog run because it's dusty and has lots of small pebbles. I don't like taking baths. Oh, poo.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for writing this.