Saturday, March 8, 2008

I'm Going To Be A Pet Therapy Dog!

Yesterday, Mama asked me if I wanted to be a pet therapy dog.  I said, "uh, okaaay..." 

So, we went to the Pet Therapy Department at St. Vincent's Hospital to learn more about it.  I had never been inside a hospital before. I wanted to run around and smell everything, but I could tell Mama was in one of her strict moods, so I tried to behave. 

Mama and I met Edna Wolf, the lady who runs the program.  She was a tiny lady sitting in the tiniest room I had ever seen.  

You know what was funny?  I noticed Edna had a lamp shaped like a poodle on her desk, and she had cases and cases of ginger ale.  I guess it's her favorite drink. 

I was nervous; I didn't know what she was going to make me do. But, she just explained that being a therapy dog means that I come to the hospital whenever I can and let sick people hold me or play with me.  She said, "it's a known fact that petting a dog lowers your blood pressure." That made me feel good when she said that. 

Dogs are special people.  We gotta share the love!

First, I have to go through the training program that costs $40 and meets for four Saturdays in a row from 1 to 3 p.m.  Then Mama pays $20 to get me tested and if I pass, I get a certificate as a Canine Good Citizen and International Therapy Dog. I have no idea what they will make me do, or if I will even pass the tests.  But Mrs. Wolf eyeballed me and told Mama that I will be fine.  

I'm kind of excited to see what it's all about.  If you want to find out more, you can do what Mama did and call Mrs. Wolf at (212) 604-1099.  I'll write more stuff about it later...

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