As some of you know, Mama has enrolled me in a training class to become a Pet Therapy dog through St. Vincent's Hospital. Our first class was this last Saturday.
A trainer lady went around and inspected all the dogs. She came to me and opened my mouth, checked my ears, lifted my paws, and brushed me. I was fine. But then she rubbed my fur all around when she was petting me and I didn't like that, so I nipped at her a little bit. I know, it wasn't nice, but I was nervous. They said if I did that again, I would have to leave. So the next time another trainer came around to do the same thing, I sat there and didn't do anything. So, they let us stay, even though I wanted to go home.
The rest of the afternoon was cake. First, they made us walk one by one around the room and show the trainers that we knew how to walk nicely next to our human. I could tell Mama was a little nervous, so I was extra good.
Next, we had to show them that we knew how to sit, lay down, and stay--even when our human walked away. Easy as pie.

Then Mama had to walk straight up to one of the other ladies with a dog and talk to her while the dogs were supposed to ignore each other. No problem.
Next, Mama and I had to weave our way around a bunch of people standing in a line with their dogs. I wasn't allowed to sniff or say hi to any of the dogs, so I didn't. Another easy one for me.
The toughest test was when they put a plate of turkey meat on the ground, along with a tennis ball toy and some other goodies. Mama had to walk me by the stuff and show that she knew how to correct me when I tried to sniff the turkey meat. As she walked me by the meat, it smelled delicious and I wanted to taste it, but Mama did her little "pssst!" sound and I knew she didn't want me to touch it, so I didn't. (Some of the other dogs weren't so good at this and kept lunging at the meat and the tennis ball.)
So, that was about it for the first day. The training classes last from 1 to 3 p.m., but it felt like we were there for two years, and not just two hours. We have three more classes to go, then they test us on the last day to see if we can become certified as therapy dogs.
I wonder what they will make us do next time...Tune in to find out!
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